Wednesday, January 24, 2018

What do YOU want?

As you may be aware, Sayuri and I are combining our talents in this blog.  We do have a lot of unit study and co-op study ideas on the burners.  This post is to ask you what you would like to see more of, as far as unit studies, co-op units, notebook pages (colored or black and white), science resources, history resources, specific book studies, etc.

Let us know here what YOU want!  :)



  1. Hi there. I'm so happy to see that you are back and will be putting up some of your resources and information again! We will be starting with Sonlight Core D again next year and then Core E again, so I'm very interested in all of the supplemental lessons and notebooking pages that you had for both of those cores. Thank you!

    1. Thank you for your reply! I'm working on posts now for these resources.

  2. Hello! I slightly panicked as I visited your old site and couldn't find your resources. We will be doing either SonlightCore G then H or Core W next. Will you be having any World History notebookong pages, resources available soon?
    Thanks so much!
    PS we used your US History notebooking pages! Thank you!


Updates Coming!

I am finally getting to updating all my files.  I've got several files available now on my Teachers Pay Teachers store, including Minn...