Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Minn of the Mississippi Lap-Note Study

This download will give you two documents, one for the main unit study (a huge 57 pages) that follows along with Holling C. Holling's Minn of the Mississippi, and an added bonus of animals of the Mississippi (35 pages). 

It is best for upper elementary (4-6), but can be modified for lower or higher grades.  Notebook pages for writing practice, lapbooking components to help organize the material being learned, science, and even some literature elements are woven together to help bring the links all together!

This unit would go nicely with an American history study, a geography of the United States study, or a mini unit of Lewis and Clark.

To see samples and purchase, follow the links below.

Purchase Minn for $15
Purchase Animals for $5  COMING SOON!

You also have the option to visit our Facebook page, Meraki Homeschool, and message me there, then we can converse by email. 



  1. interested in this unit for minn of the mississippi

  2. I am interested in purchasing the Minn study and Animal study for $10...can you tell me how to do this please.

  3. I may be interested in purchasing this, it looks fabulous. Please advise. Thank you, Beth


Updates Coming!

I am finally getting to updating all my files.  I've got several files available now on my Teachers Pay Teachers store, including Minn...